Inspire Kids At Home
Got your kiddos at home? Don’t worry, we’ve got this! We’ve taken Inspire Kids online!
The biggest faith influencers in a child’s life are their parents.
We believe that as parents, you are your child’s spiritual leader so we encourage, resource, and speak life to our parents knowing that they carry the responsibility for the discipleship of their children.
Here’s some ideas we have for you while you have your kids at home.
Connect with your kids.
Watch + interact with this week’s Inspire Kids lesson.
Practice this month’s memory verse together.
Download the Bible app for kids: read the Bible together!
Take advantage of the family-friendly content on
Have fun!
Have a family game night
Make breakfast for dinner
Bake cookies
Have a movie night
Make a blanket fort
Have a pajama day
Follow us on Pinterest for more ideas
Here’s how you can make kids church happen in your own home! After all, you are your kid’s best teacher.
Worship together.
Play some of the worship videos we’ve linked below or play some of your favorites to worship as a family. Model what worship looks like. What does it mean to raise your hands? Why do you close your eyes? Why do we worship God? They will imitate what is modeled to them.
Read the Bible.
Read the Bible story cards that we’ve provided for your toddler/pre-school age kiddos. Even better, help them to find the Bible story in their kids Bible or yours and read it together.
For your younger kiddos, download the coloring sheet for this week and ask them what they thought about the Bible story + main point as they color. Ask them how they can apply the truth to their everyday life.
For your elementary age children, download the discussion + activity guide to complete a game or create a discussion about what they’ve learned.
Pre-K-1st grade.
Students are currently in a series called GameChanger! Teams are God’s idea, and He wants us all on His team! Throughout this series, kids will see that playing on God’s team makes life better, and they’ll learn several things they can do to be great teammates.
Here are two worship songs that we focus on during the 8 week series. Follow the dance moves as you all worship together! For two weeks at a time, they will focus on a main point and Bible story. For 4/4-5 weekend, it is week 5 of the series. It is a repeat of last week’s main point and Bible story to build consistency with the kiddos. For week 4 + 5, the main point is: On God’s Team, I Listen. They will learn about Moses and Jethro in Exodus 18. There is a new coloring sheet available for download!
2nd-4th grade.
Students are currently in a series called: DIY - Forgiveness. Each of us has been hurt. Tough as it is, God can help us choose forgiveness: deciding that someone who has wronged you doesn’t have to pay. With His help, you can “do it yourself”—because forgiveness is up to you.