January 25

Revival in Hawai’i…again

Pastor Mike Kai

Senior Pastor, Inspire Church


ISAIAH 42:10-12 (NIV)

Sing to the LORD a NEW song, his praise from the ends of the earth, you who go down to the sea, and all that is in it, you islands, and all who live in them. Let them give glory to the LORD and proclaim his praise in the islands. 


Hawaiʻi is no stranger to the fires of revival and the power of God to transform a nation. Before the first missionaries arrived in 1820, there was evidence that He was preparing the people of these islands to encounter and experience His love, or Aloha! Through significant and strategic events, or “kōnane” moves (Hawaiian checkers), God was orchestrating the Gospel message of Jesus to permeate all of Hawaiʻi. 

According to Elmer Towns in his book, 10 Greatest Revivals, one missionary, Titus Coan, would go on Gospel tours from town to town preaching and seeing people saved all through Hilo and the western coastline of the Big Island. Crowds gathered to hear the word in their native tongue - so eager that they would refuse to leave those meetings. It’s been said that many wanted to be baptized at one time that he grabbed a broom, dipped it in the nearby pond, and splashed it all over the people in the name of Jesus! Talk about a “NEW” work!! 

So many were saved, discipled, and transformed that people would travel from the other islands to hear the Gospel, and they would be saved as well. During this season, the little town of Hilo with only 1,000 residents swelled to over 10,000 – all to hear the Word of God!! The Hawaiian Revival of the 1800’s was ranked #4 of the 10 greatest revivals, next to the revival that occurred in Nineveh in the book of Jonah.


There’s a new song coming! A new work of God is here, not just on the horizon, but on our shores. I feel it, I sense it, and I definitely am praying more fervently for it! If you want to learn more about the revival that happened two centuries ago, listen to my message from The Way Back series on our Inspire Church YouTube Channel. Let God stir your heart and show you your place and your part in this brand new work He is doing right here, right now! 


Lord, the fires of revival swept over the islands once before, and I believe You will do it again! May You ready me to be a part of what you’re doing in the islands and beyond. In Jesus’ Name, Amen!


How is God stirring your heart? How can you be a part of what God is doing in the islands right now?