January 15

Revival in the Youth

Senior Pastor John Cabello

New Hope Lihu’e


PSALMS 78:6-7 (NLT)

..so the next generation might know them— even the children not yet born— and they in turn will teach their own children. So each generation should set its hope anew on God, not forgetting his glorious miracles and obeying his commands.


This story of God’s faithfulness continues in the Living Word that is JESUS. We see in these verses that each generation is instructed to teach future generations of their hope in God that will come through His Son, Jesus. What is sown now in our youth through obedience to God’s word and the sharing of His glorious miracles has the power to be lived through a generation that is not even born yet. While being born naturally in the flesh, each generation can be supernaturally born again in the Spirit and Truth of Jesus Christ. Each generation can set its hope anew on Christ by being taught the love and hope of our Savior, Jesus. This entire Psalm is a summary of God’s faithfulness that has not ended. It continues today with a future and hope that is only found in Christ. This hope and future is extended to each generation by Christ’s great command and commission to love and teach our youth to be disciples of Christ and to find their identity in His Living Word. 


We can find ourselves in this present cultural and political climate casting blame on past and future generations. That type of blaming will not bring forth revival for our youth because blaming is void of a future hope. Remember that Jesus took our sin and didn’t blame us for giving His life as a ransom of love. Instead of blaming, we should each take the responsibility that God has given us to teach our youth the true hope of Jesus Christ. Let us begin now by praying and fasting for our youth. What is sown in prayer now will reap a harvest of revival for the present and future generations to come. 


Lord, help me see each generation in Your image, and help me to love others unconditionally. Teach me to deeply understand that the prodigal child returns home only when they know that love is found there. I pray for our youth and that a revival would call them home through Your love. Empower Your Church to love as You love and may that begin with me.



Who is someone from the younger generation that you can specifically pray for? How can you partner with a local church’s youth group to bring the love and hope of Christ?