January 18

Revival in the Government

Pastor George Nagato

Former Superintendent, Hawai’i Assemblies of God



Pray this way for kings and all who are in authority so that we can live peaceful and quiet lives marked by godliness and dignity. 


In writing to the younger Timothy whom he mentored, Paul encouraged prayers for “all” people. But here Paul specifies human rulers and authority figures. Paul spoke elsewhere of the importance of submitting to governing authorities (Romans 13), though he himself was often incarcerated for his missionary work. Christians in Ephesus likely thought of politicians in the same way we do today. The natural tendency is to complain about governing leaders and see them as enemies rather than to pray for them and seek to help them come to faith in Christ. I believe many Christians during that time were not praying for their governmental leaders and so Paul strongly encouraged the people to pray for them to lead with Godliness and dignity. The transformation in their government authorities spiritually would result in a more healthy, productive and peaceful society. 


Here in Hawaiʻi, many are concerned about corruption in government and the confrontation of key issues such as the rail, the pandemic, contaminated water, and retarding of goods being shipped which have caused anger and frustration. Instead of complaining and blaming our leaders, we are to pray for them (bless not blast, be ministers not sinisters, be prophetic not pathetic). Yes, mention their names specifically in prayer, but let’s go further and connect with them personally and ask for their specific prayer requests—including prioritizing and addressing specific issues with God’s wisdom, courage, love, strength, peace and hope. Let’s bless them, build relationships with one or two of them, minister to them, and pray that they will soon open up to receive the transforming power of the Gospel that will bring revival to our state. It’s a process, but let’s take one step at a time.


Lord, we bring to Your throne our president, governor, mayor and all those working under their jurisdiction. We pray that through the power of the Holy Spirit, You will create a hunger within each of them to seek Your face for wisdom, knowledge and guidance in leading our nation, state, and counties to live as you intended us to live according to Your purpose. May we, Your Church, repent of our attitudes toward our rulers and learn to love and pray for them so that You will forgive us and heal our land. We cry out to You, O God, to transform our government through your Holy Spirit that all will be in awe of what You will be doing in, to, by, with, from and through them. Amen!!


I will personally connect with ____________ 2x a month and develop a relationship to pray for their specific needs (personally and professionally) throughout 2022.