January 24

Revival in the Nations

Pastor Clint Chinen

Inspire Church Mililani


PSALM 33:12 (ESV)

Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, the people whom he has chosen as his heritage! 


What a time to be alive! I know that’s a very optimistic view of the current state of the world, but it’s a perspective we need to grab hold of! Why? Because soon, and very soon, we are gonna see the King! 

Kingdoms and nations rise and fall. They war, they trade and they seek to expand their power and position on the earth. But every earthly kingdom is ruled by an earthly king. Every ruler, no matter how good they may be, is imperfect and flawed, and while some have tried to rule honorably, many have ruled erroneously. Unfortunately, it’s the people that benefit or suffer the most.

Throughout the history of kings in the Bible, we see this very contrast unfold. Righteous kings brought about Godly results, but wicked kings brought destructive ones. The nation of Israel drew closer to God under Godly leadership. When the king’s heart drifted, the nation strayed, and they replaced their love and worship of God for things of the world like idols. It was under King David that we see a glimpse of how a nation can thrive under Godly rulership.


If we want to see revival in the nations, we need to pray for its kings, queens, presidents and rulers. When the heart of the leader is under the power and rule of God, a nation can be transformed. May God bring revival to the nations, from the people to the palace, the city streets to the highest chambers, and from thrones to our homes in Jesus’ name!

When the righteous rule, the people are blessed, the land flourishes, and abundance increases! This is not a pipe dream or just a hopeful expectation, but will be the reality we live in under the Lordship of Jesus Christ! That day is coming, and His Kingdom will be everything we’ve been waiting for! 


Father, thank You for giving us examples of Godly leaders and rulers throughout the Bible. And in the days we are living in, we need righteous leaders to rise up once again! Bring a revival to the hearts of every leader, in every high office, especially those who lead nations. In Jesus’ name, AMEN!


What is one thing you can do today to help bring about revival in our Nation?